Have you ever wondered if your resume can be more than one page long? You’ve probably heard before that it shouldn’t, but it’s not as black-and-white of an issue as you might think. When creating a resume for the agriculture industry, what’s most important is balancing length with adequately showcasing your skills.
Can a Resume Be More Than One Page?
The one-page rule isn’t hard and fast. Determining the right length for your resume depends on your experience level, skillset, the job you’re applying for, and what you want potential employers to know.
Most of the time, resumes for entry-level agricultural workers and positions should be around aone page long. You may not have enough relevant experience or education to fill up more than a page. You also most likely don’t need to prove how your skills fit the demands of the job if it is not very complex or doesn't require much experience.
However, as a mid or senior-level agriculture professional, you may need an additional page to highlight your most important skills and let the employer know exactly how your abilities and experiences are relevant to the position you’re applying for.
What Experience Should You List?
When deciding whether to have your resume be more than one page, consider what parts of your experience to include and how to write it. For some agricultural positions, you may need to provide a detailed narrative of your professional growth, while it may be less important for other roles. Always tailor your resume to each position you are applying for, including your most relative experience, skills, and education or training.
Include your primary responsibilities in each role, as well as any achievements, important projects you completed, or leadership experience that you may have gained.
The most important thing to remember is that the quality of the items you share is more valuable than the quantity. As you tailor your resume, analyze what is relevant to the job and what the employer is looking for. Try to stay as brief as possible. Always go through and revise what you have written to ensure it is concise, making every word count.
Should You Include Your Certifications?
Employers in agriculture and food production highly value any continuing education, workshops, and certifications you may have. These show you are committed to the field, take the time to learn and grow as a professional, and have extra knowledge that will make you successful in the role.
A two-page resume may be beneficial if you have relevant certifications for the job. List any training programs, professional development, and certifications relevant to the position such as a CDL, PCA, or CCA license, to name a few examples. If you have space, give a brief explanation of what you learned.
Should Resumes Be Double-Sided?
If you do decide to add a second page, you may wonder, should a resume be double sided? Generally, you should not have a resume be double sided. Instead, print it on two separate sheets of paper.
When Can Your Resume Be More Than One Page?
While experts generally recommend keeping your resume brief, more than one page can be useful when the position and your experience require it. The central concept is to keep things concise while showing your most relevant experience and assets to potential employers.
Keep in mind that hiring managers and recruiters can sometimes receive hundreds of resumes for a single ag job opening, meaning they often skim over resumes rather quickly. That’s why it’s crucial to keep your resume concise and only include information that would convey you as a good fit. Leave out unnecessary experience that could distract the hiring manager from your more relevant details when skimming over your resume.
For more resume tips, check out our Career Advice Blog. To search thousands of jobs in agriculture, food production, biotechnology and more, visit AgHires.com.