Your hiring process provides candidates with a glimpse into your company and how it operates. Read our tips for ensuring your hiring process is attracting candidates and further contributing to their excitement about your organization!

Turnover can be influenced by numerous factors, many of which can be prevented. By implementing the tips discussed in this article, you can help your ag business lower its turnover rate and keep it that way.

Want to improve your company's work culture? Lori from AgHires shares 3 key tips: give recognition, show appreciation, and involve employees in decision-making. These strategies can significantly enhance team motivation and performance.

WATCH: Lori, AgHires Founder, discusses setting clear expectations for candidate responses after a job offer.

Proper integration and onboarding of new hires is key to setting your farm employees up for success both in their roles and for your operation. Onboarding is not just about showing new employees where to clock in; it's about setting the stage for a successful tenure on your farm. AgHires dives into four reasons onboarding is crucial to the success of your ag business.

Are you required to share salary ranges? Some states are passing pay transparency laws and laws prohibiting discussing salary histories with job candidates

As you know, the costs of high turnover can be detrimental to your company’s bottom line. Not only the expenses of recruitment, training, and resources - but also large amounts of lost time and productivity. Discover the most common hiring mistakes that lead to premature turnover and the simple, low-cost solutions you can implement.

Learn actionable tips on how to properly conduct a job interview so you can hire the right people for your agribusiness.