The Significance of National Ag Day

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Posted by Lila Huelster
National Ag Day

What is National Ag Day?

March 18th, 2025 is this year's National Ag Day! This day kicks off National Ag Week, running through March 24th. 

51 years ago, the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) established National Ag Day to celebrate and shine light on the agricultural industry and its crucial role in supporting the economy. The week-long celebration honors the hard work of individuals who tirelessly provide us with nutritious food, fiber, and renewable products. Agriculture provides millions of stable jobs that, in return, circulate money back into the economy. As the backbone of our nation, agriculture undoubtedly deserves a dedicated celebration. 

The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 10532—National Agriculture Day, 2024: 

On National Agriculture Day, we celebrate generations of American farmers, farmworkers, fishers, ranchers, foresters, and all those who work around the clock to put food on our tables and steward our Nation's lands. They represent the best of America—pride in community, love of family, and work ethic and strength that power our economy and help feed the world. 

It is simple: American agriculture feeds our families and powers our economy. National Agriculture Day is about celebrating the strength and tremendous contributions of our Nation's farmers and ranchers and making sure communities too long left behind have real reason to feel a new sense of hope and pride. 

The Agriculture Industry’s Impact 

Agriculture provides nearly everything we eat, use, and wear on a daily basis. On average, one U.S. farm feeds 169 people annually in the U.S. and abroad. The need for agriculture will only continue to increase as the population grows each year. 

Agriculture offers hundreds of career opportunities – from on-farm jobs to ag and food science, food production, agribusiness roles, and more. 22.1 million jobs were related to the agricultural and food sectors in 2022, accounting for 10.4 percent of total employment in the United States. 

With the growing demand for agriculture, there is a corresponding need for more individuals to work in the industry. An employment outlook by Purdue University and the USDA estimates over 59,000 job openings for food and agriculture science graduates each year. 

Celebrating & Contributing to National Ag Day 

National Ag Day is all about recognizing, celebrating, and promoting awareness of how agriculture contributes to our everyday lives. We can observe this day by further educating ourselves, hosting or attending events, volunteering in our communities, and sharing about agriculture on social media. If you are an agriculturist yourself, be generous with your knowledge and educate those around you about the significance of agriculture. 

 Celebrating National Ag Day helps spread the true story of agriculture. Together, we can promote the industry that feeds us, clothes us, and keeps our nation going! 

AgHires stands with the ACA and its mission to raise awareness about the significance of agriculture in our society.  

Want to become an integral part of the industry that keeps our nation thriving? Explore thousands of jobs in agriculture, food production, horticulture, biotechnology, and more at 

Our country wouldn't be what it is without our agriculture industry! Click to learn more about National Ag Day and how you can contribute.
Lila Huelster

Lila Huelster

Lila Huelster is the Recruiting Content Lead at AgHires. Her long-time interest in agriculture led her to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Communications where she graduated from Southeast Missouri State University. Lila spent her first two years with AgHires as a Recruiter, with a prior background in social media marketing and copywriting. At AgHires, she is passionate about using her recruiting and marketing expertise to create helpful resources for employers and job seekers across the industry.