Seventy percent of a strawberry’s roots are located in the top three inches of soil.
Strawberries are indigenous to every major continent except Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Native forms of strawberries adapt to various climates. They are the first fruit to ripen in the spring and are a member of the rose family.
Ninety-four percent of households in the United States consume strawberries. On average, a single strawberry contains 200 seeds. Americans eat 3.4 pounds of fresh strawberries each year plus another 1.8 pounds frozen per capita. With today’s shipping technology, strawberries are available year-round.
Strawberries are grown in every state in the United States and California produces seventy-five percent of the nation’s strawberry crops – one billion pounds each year. Each year, 23,000 acres of strawberries are planted in California. Each acre produces an average of 21 tons of strawberries annually.
Florida is second to California in the production of strawberries. While the California season runs from January through November, with the peak quality and supply from March to May, Florida’s season runs from December to May with peaks during March and April.
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