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4 Minute Read

What Candidates are Looking for in an Ag Business

Money talks, or so the saying goes. But is that all a candidate needs from an employer? And what does it take to secure a candidate in today’s ag job market? Check out our top tips for keeping your ag company competitive.

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2 Minute Read

High-Growth Ag Biotech Start-up Hires Multiple Key Roles Utilizing AgHires

AgHires helps a biotechnology company, that is leading the way in developing human-compatible organs and cells, continue to be in high growth mode by placing over 20 hires and counting by becoming an extension of their human resources department.

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10 Minute Read

How To Sell Yourself on a Resume Successfully

Learn how to sell yourself successfully on a resume and secure that crucial interview. This article offers key tips to create a standout resume.

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6 Minute Read

Minimizing the Risk of Rejection and Delivering a Successful Job Offer

In today's job market, candidates are more selective. To minimize the risk of rejection, follow these steps to deliver a successful offer, including Pre-Offer, Written Offer, Verbal Offer, and Follow-up. It's important to ensure alignment before making an official offer.

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8 Minute Read

12 Ag Biotech Jobs To Consider

Discover a fulfilling career in Ag Biotech. Learn about its importance and the varied roles within this exciting field that are shaping the future of agriculture.

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7 Minute Read

Calling After Applying for an Ag Job: Everything You Need To Know

Everything, from the timing of your application to the time of year, can influence the application process. Should you call after applying for a job in these fields?

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4 Minute Read

Interview Questions to Determine Cultural Fit for Your Ag Organization

Hire for cultural fit in your ag company by asking the right questions. Discover how to assess candidates' compatibility with your organization's values.

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7 Minute Read

How Long Does It Take to Write a Resume?

Creating a resume that effectively communicates your experience, skills, and abilities isn’t easy. This is especially true in agriculture, where prospective employers are looking for very specific skills and experiences and need this information at a glance.

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5 Minute Read

Interested in Sustainable Agriculture? 8 Jobs to Consider

Society today is more conscious than ever before about the environment, carbon footprints, and sustainable food. This is one reason why sustainable agriculture jobs are quickly gaining traction and contributing to a healthier planet.