Negotiate with Confidence

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Posted by Deanna Solis
Negotiate Job Offer with Confidence

Although it can be an intimidating conversation to have, proposing a salary negotiation is an important tactic to use to ensure you are getting paid a great salary! We’ve gathered a few tips to help you remain confident before and during negotiation.

Prepare for questions

While it’s important to prepare your talking points, one must also be prepared to answer tough questions an interviewer may ask. The interviewer may ask questions that feel intimidating or even invasive but remember they are asking these questions to understand why you deserve said amount and to figure out your intentions.

The interviewer may ask questions like:

  • If we accept your proposal, how will you impact this company?
  • Are we your top choice?
  • Do you have multiple offers?

The interviewer is used to this

Remember that most interviewers are prepared for candidates to inquire about negotiations. You should not feel embarrassed or that you are being difficult if you choose to bring up the topic, many employers appreciate it when candidates are confident enough to start that conversation.

Remember your why

Negotiating pay is about more than just a dollar amount, it can be tied back to your value as a professional. If you feel like you deserve more for a role due to your qualifications, experience, and knowledge, it's beneficial to speak up as opposed to settling for less and potentially regretting your decision to not negotiate in the future. Not to mention that accepting a low offer can lead you to feel contempt toward your employer and may impact your performance. Always remember to never sell yourself short!

Don’t take it personally

You may not be able to negotiate your dream salary, or the employer may blatantly state they’re not willing to negotiate, just know that an employer’s resistance to your offer doesn’t reflect poorly on your value as a person.


Practice makes progress! Before you deliver your negotiation pitch, practice it with a trusted mentor or friend (bonus points if you have a friend in HR). Doing this will give you great feedback you can use to tweak your pitch. Be sure to provide your friend with some questions and phrases an interviewer may use to counter your offer.


Building up the confidence to negotiate isn’t easy for everyone, but it is imperative to do so if you want your pay to match the amount of value you can bring to a company. Effective negotiating is a skill that can take years to master - but with research, practice, and these tips, you can negotiate great pay at your next interview!

Negotiate with confidence

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Learn actionable tips to help you negotiate your salary.
Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis is the Marketing and Social Media Assistant at AgHires. Deanna enjoys planning and creating digital content to boost clients' exposure. AgHires helps agricultural and food production companies find the employees they need to run a successful business.