5 Career Goals to Set for the New Year

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3 Minute Read
Posted by Deanna Solis
Setting goals for the new year

Settings goals for the new year are a tradition for many of us; they bring us joy and something to look forward to as we enter the new year. Setting career goals motivate us to excel within our positions and provides a clear picture of where we see ourselves by the end of the year. In ag, setting goals that will not only enhance our careers but also help to move the industry forward are the most impactful. Ready to set goals for 2023? Here are 5 career goal ideas to jumpstart your plans for the new year!  

Career Goals-1

1. Develop a new skill

No matter where you are in your career, there’s always room to learn something new. It is important to constantly challenge oneself to ensure one stays updated on ag industry trends and technology. Take a few moments to analyze your current skill set and if there is anything you can add that will enhance your knowledge. Once you find the skill you want to develop research courses and resources available. If the skill you are trying to learn will enhance your position, ask your employer if they’d be willing to cover any costs associated with learning the skill.

2. Grow your network

If you struggle with meeting new people or just want to gain more professional goals, the easiest way to do so is by attending networking events. Developing connections is important to make advancements in your ag career because you never know when a referral or advice will be useful. If you find it difficult to network, start by connecting with coworkers you don’t speak to often, this is an easy way to build your confidence to attend events and meet others. To make your goal measurable, set a specific number of people to build relationships with throughout the year.

3. Fill a leadership position at your company

Taking the next step of applying to a leadership position at your job is a great way to expand your knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and people skills. If moving upward has been on your mind, speak to your boss about opportunities available that you may be a great fit for.

4. Increase your productivity

Boosting productivity not only increases your performance but can also make you more excited about your job. Ask yourself where you could place more focus and take small steps to achieve your goals. Challenging yourself to become more efficient will eliminate old habits and soon enough you’ll see the impact of taking those small steps to become a better worker. 

5. Further your education  

If you plan to advance your career, having a degree, attending workshops, or watching webinars can provide an advantage over others in the industry. Gaining more knowledge through higher education or workshops can shift your perspective and provide a different point of view on how to accomplish tasks. If you’re passionate about your industry, furthering your education can provide new insights and ideas that you can use to make changes within your company.


It can be easy to settle into a routine in your career but making an effort to set achievable goals will not only positively impact your job but also your personal growth. As you set career goals for the new year, focus on goals that inspire you to take small steps towards each day.

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Ready to set career goals for the new year? Here are 5 goals you may want to consider.
Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis is the Marketing and Social Media Assistant at AgHires. Deanna enjoys planning and creating digital content to boost clients' exposure. AgHires helps agricultural and food production companies find the employees they need to run a successful business.