One of the many great things that the agriculture industry has to offer is variety. With an assortment of crops to a diverse range of farms and agribusinesses, there is a large selection of careers available. There is a place for just about everyone, including introverts.
Sometimes the term introvert can have a negative connotation, but actually, about 50% of the world’s population are considered introverts. There is not much of a difference between an introvert and extroverts, they just have different approaches.
It is extremely important for introverts to find a job that is right for them. Finding the right career for you is both beneficial for you and for your employer. You’ll be much happier and as a result, will work more efficiently.
Types of Introverts
There are actually 4 types of introverts: social introvert, thinking introvert, anxious introvert, and inhibited introvert. Someone can be strongly one or the other, or they can be a mixture.
Social Introvert
A social introvert prefers to socialize in small groups and occasionally decides not to socialize at all. Social introverts are loyal and understand boundaries. They enjoy developing meaningful relationships with others. For these introverts, working in a small group setting or even working from home is good for them. Steering clear of crowded settings with little to no privacy is best for this type of introvert.
Choosing a career as an Equipment Operator/Tractor Driver or Truck Driver would be ideal jobs for this type of introvert. Equipment Operators have little interaction with others. They focus on controlling heavy farm equipment. Truck drivers are an integral part of a farm or agribusiness, they assist with the functionality of a farm and/or agribusiness and help create a continuous flow of movement. The day-to-day responsibilities of a truck driver can range from delivering products, loading and unloading trucks, keeping records of shipments, and performing maintenance on the vehicles. Ag Electrician, Service Technician, or Mechanic is another perfect career choice for this type of introvert since they are fairly independent jobs.
Search Equipment Operators jobs here.
Search Logistics and Transportation jobs here.
Search Maintenance and Repair jobs here.
Thinking Introvert
The thinking introvert isn’t shy or afraid of large groups, but instead, they become lost in their thoughts. Many times, this comes across as being shy. They spend a lot of time reflecting and using their imaginations, which allows them to be very creative. This type of introvert is able to see the big picture and think outside the box. They are also good listeners and respect others’ ideas.
Choosing a career as Engineer or working in Information Technology (IT). Agricultural engineers have a diverse number of responsibilities including developing biofuels, improving the efficiency of machinery, conservation efforts, and more. Today’s agriculture is more than just dirt, water, and a plow. Technology reaches far and wide. Farmers use technology to improve their decision-making, track crops, predict yields, determine the best time and place to plant crops, and so much more. Therefore, IT is becoming a bigger part of the industry.
Search Information Technology jobs here.
Anxious Introvert
Anxious introverts are the common stereotype of introverts. They’re withdrawn because other people make them anxious. They are usually concerned with how other people perceive them. This could be because they don’t feel confident. However, these types of introverts usually have an intense attention to detail. This stems from their anxiety since they tend to plan for the worst-case scenario.
A career in a detail-oriented job, that involves critical work, such as a Lab Technician or Research Assistant, could be the ideal career path for this type of introvert. The responsibilities vary depending on the type of business, but it is largely independent. It is likely that you will need a degree in or related to agriculture science on top of being a self-starter, very independent, consisting of a strong work ethic, and a focused working style.
Search Biotech and R&D jobs here.
Restrained Introvert
A restrained introvert is just slow-moving. They are deliberate in their actions, so they come across as quiet and shy. However, their reserved personality sometimes comes with sharp observation skills and they can offer a big-picture viewpoint. This type of introvert likes to think about the hard questions and take on big challenges.
Choosing a career as a Biologist or a Commodity Risk Advisor might be the ideal career path for this type of introvert. Both of these jobs allow these introverts to use their analytical thinking. They can be the voice of reason to their colleagues and clients.
AgHires is dedicated to growing agriculture careers. We know and understand agriculture and the range of opportunities that it provides. Agriculture is the opposite of the saying “one size fits all.” There is a place for just about anyone and everyone within the wonderful, continuously growing industry.
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