To help support the Dairy Industry and give back to the community, AgHires donated 100 gallons of milk to SeaGate Food Bank of Toledo. We want to challenge you to join to 10 Gallon Challenge too. Purchase 10 gallons of milk from your local grocery store and donate them to a local food bank or food pantry. Milk is the least donated item and needed the most for families in need.
The 10 Gallon Challenge was started by Ty Higgins, a Wisconsin Farm Broadcaster, in an effort to “move some milk” off the store shelves as well as provide food to families in need. He started the movement on August 1st, 2018 with a short video that has been viewed over 180,000 times.
The Dairy Industry is struggling with the declining demand for milk. Per capita milk consumption is down by 9.7 percent in the last five years and ice cream consumption is down over 3 percent. With more milk substitutes on store shelves and other factors, there is an excess of milk.
Some farmers are able to use the milk in other products, but milk is being wasted. With the surplus of milk, the prices are low, so not many farmers are making a great profit. Dairy farms are joining this movement to hoping to drive demand back up. This challenge is a glimmer of hope for the industry, so we challenge you to help a fellow farmer and participate in the 10 Gallon Challenge.
You can follow the 10 Gallon Challenge on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by using the hashtag #10GallonChallenge
AgHires enjoys giving back to the community and helping farmers in the Agriculture Industry, so the 10 Gallon Challenge was the perfect opportunity to do both together. To commemorate the event and celebrate the Dairy Industry the AgHires team had a milkshake party.
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