Everyone has their advice and tips on everything. Job searching is no different. You want to make a good impression on your resume and during an interview, so you ask your friends and family or scour the internet for job search tips. Not everything is good advice. Check out 7 job search tips to ignore.
“Include Everything in Your Resume”
You want your resume to only contain relevant information. Filling it will too much-unrelated information takes away from the important parts. When listing the details of your experience limit them to tasks that would help you in the role you are applying to. It’s also a good idea to tweak your resume for each job you apply to, including keywords they’ve mentioned in the job description. It shows you have attention to detail, and you have the skills they’re looking for.
“Fib a Little”
You may have fudged some details on your resume or fib a little in an interview, but don’t. You never know if the hiring manager or recruiter will verify the information. If they’ve discovered even a hint of dishonesty, it will send up a big red flag.
“You Don’t Need a Cover Letter”
The cover is not dead. While some hiring managers and recruiters don’t ask for one doesn’t mean it won’t be read. If the job posting specifically says don’t send one, then don’t. If they ask for a cover letter, send it. If they don’t mention a cover letter at all, send it. They may not read it, however, a cover letter can provide more in-depth detail the recruiter may need, such as details on gaps in your job history or if you’re willing to relocate. It’s also a good place to put the name of a referral or mutual contact.
“Conceal Your Personality Quirks”
If anyone tells you to try and hide your personality to try to fit into the culture of the company or to make a good impression, ignore them. You want to have a good mix of professionalism and a hint of your quirks. If you’re too bland, you won’t be remembered. The interview is a chance for the hiring manager and you to decide if you’ll be a good match and if you hide too much of your personality, neither of you will know if it’s a good match.
“Follow Up Several Times”
Yes, it is a good idea to follow up with an employer but following up too much can be detrimental. Rarely is it a good idea to follow up several times. Most of the time at an interview the interviewer will give you an estimated timeframe you will hear back from them. If they don’t mention the next steps, it’s a good question to ask before leaving the interview. If you don’t hear back from them within their projected reply time, feel free to follow up. However, once is fine, especially if you don’t hear a response. Too many follow-ups can get annoying and turn the employer off. Plus, if they’re willing to ignore you, do you really want to work there?
“Explain How Much You Need a Job”
You may really need a job, but if you show your desperation it could be a turn-off for the hiring manager. Focus on your skills and experience and show them why you’re a great fit for the job.
“Tell Them You Have Another Job Offer”
That’s great if you have other job offers! But you don’t really want to flaunt it until you’re ready to negotiate. Bragging about having several interviews or job offers right away could show you’re not taking the interview seriously. It could also be a turn-off to the hiring manager and cause them to dismiss your skills and experience and instead focus on other candidates.
“Accept the First Job Offer”
Maybe you’ve been out of work for a while, or you just really want to get out of your current job. But if you move too quickly you might soon discover that you made the wrong choice and you’re right back to job hunting. Before you accept an offer, you want to make sure the job is the right fit for you. Here are 5 things to consider.
Sometimes it can be hard to weed out the bad advice, especially if someone told you it worked for them. Not all recruiters or hiring managers are the same. If you need some good job search tips, resume tips, interview tips, etc. check out the AgHires Career Advice page.
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