Is the Job Offer Right for You? 5 Things to Consider.

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3 Minute Read
Posted by Karyn Moyer
Things to Consider

Your job search was long and hard and you finally got an offer. Congratulations! Put the pen down. Before you jump at the chance to sign the job offer, you should make sure it is right for you. You might just be anxious to get out of your current position or maybe you’ve been out of work for a while, however, if you don’t take the time to evaluate and think about the offer, you might be back to square one in a year or two. Consider these 5 points before accepting any job offer.

Salary. The offer never stops at the salary and benefits, but it is a good starting point. Be prepared to negotiate. (Read the 5 Things to Avoid When Negotiating Salary.) Make sure you do your research on the industry and the type of position and take the time to think about the compensation. Is the offer within the industry standard? Does it work with your budget? Is the salary comparable to your responsibilities with the position? Are there other financial considerations, such as a longer commute?

Benefits. This brings us to benefits. When considering the benefits, think of them as part of your salary. Health insurance, 401k match, a company vehicle, and travel expenses are all money in your pocket and can be negotiated as well. Are there other benefits the company offers such as flexible hours, gym membership, or wellness programs?

The Job. When you think about the job, do you get excited? Will the position allow you to use your favorite skills? What role will you play in the company? Think about the title of the position. Is it something that would look good on a resume? Does it accurately describe the responsibilities in the job description? If not, why? Is it important to you to have a leadership-type title? If so and you have the experience, could you ask to add senior or lead to the title?

Management. The job sounds great and it offers everything you’re looking for, but you meet the manager and you don’t click. A manager can make or break your work life. An excellent manager can make a demanding job satisfying, while a bad manager can make your dream job a nightmare. Think about your interview. Did you and the manager hit it off? Does he show respect to his coworkers? Did her expectations seem reasonable? Does he have a good reputation in the industry?

Your Goals. Finally, think about your goals. Will this position help you advance professionally? What will you get out of the job? Think about the future and evaluate the growth potential for the position and the company. You may not be looking for a promotion in the next year, but what about within five years?

How to tell if an opportunity  is right for you

Write a pro and con list to give yourself the full picture. What are some things you can live with and what are some things you can’t live without? You’re excited about the offer. You should be, but make sure you take the time to really look at the offer. Don’t let your excitement cloud your judgment.

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Let the jitters settle and follow these tips before you make a decision!
Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer is the Senior Marketing Manager at AgHires, with over 13 years of marketing experience, over 9 of which she has spent in the agriculture marketing industry. Growing up in a small farming town, Karyn has a deep appreciation for the importance of agriculture and its role in our communities. Since joining AgHires in 2017, Karyn has used her wealth of experience and knowledge to help job seekers and clients achieve their goals. She has a passion for learning and discovering new ways to support the industry.