One of the toughest questions some candidates have trouble answering is “What sets you apart from other candidates?” You thought you were prepared, but you stumbled on this question. It’s hard to compare yourself to other candidates when you don’t know any of them. How are you supposed to answer this question? We’re here to help.
Don’t worry about the other Candidates.
You have no way of knowing the qualifications of the other candidates or what they can bring to the table. Therefore, you can’t compare your experience and skills to their experience and skills. Don’t focus on the other candidates, which brings us to tip two.
Keep the focus on yourself.
Since you can’t truly know what the other candidates can bring the company, you should keep the focus on yourself. Talk about your strengths, experience, and traits that you can offer to the organization. Talk about your passion for the industry and your strong work ethic. It’s a good way to show the employer that you know your strengths.
Don’t criticize other candidates.
It might be tempting to criticize another candidate, especially if you happen to know any of them, but this is not a good strategy. It’s good to keep the interview positive and professional. If you do know another candidate, it’s okay to compare yourself, but focus on measurable facts, such as how much more experience you may have. Don’t focus on their personality. This can come off spiteful and unprofessional.
Keep your answer relevant.
Think about the job description and keep your answers tailored to the role. You don’t need to mention skills or experience that might not be relevant to the job. Employers are not interested in musical skills, unless it’s important to the role.
Follow these tips and you won’t have trouble answering this question at your next interview. You’ll know exactly what sets you apart.
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