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6 Minute Read

Can Pay Transparency Reduce Employee Turnover?

Pay transparency is growing more popular among all industries, including farms and agribusinesses. Discover how pay transparency can benefit your ag business long term by reducing employee turnover. 

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4 Minute Read

Is Agricultural Chemicals a Good Career Path?

If you love both agriculture and chemistry and want to combine them into a single career, you may be drawn to work in agricultural chemicals. However, you may wonder, "Is agricultural chemicals a good career path?" Read to find out!

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4 Minute Read

Can You Bring Notes to an Interview?

Bringing notes to an interview can help you better convey how you're a fit for the job. Learn proper interview note etiquette and how to maximize use of your notes during an interview.

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6 Minute Read

Preventing and Recovering from Getting Ghosted by a Hiring Manager

Being “ghosted” refers to the experience of a sudden and unexpected cease of communication, without explanation. It can be frustrating, disheartening and maybe even a little damaging to your self-worth. Use the following tools to prevent and recover from being ghosted. 

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10 Minute Read

How to Tailor Your Interview Questions Per Role

A one-size-fits-all approach is not effective when interviewing candidates. Discover our top tips for tailoring your interview questions per role to find the right hire the first time and set your ag business up for success.

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10 Minute Read

Agriculture Jobs of the Week 5-27-2024

Check out the latest agriculture career postings of the week and find your dream job.

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3 Minute Read

How to Reply to an Interview Invitation Email

Learn the steps to crafting a polished and professional response to an interview invitation email from an employer.

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4 Minute Read

How to Politely Turn Down a Job Offer

When an offer isn't a good fit, follow these tips!

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4 Minute Read

The Significance of National Ag Day

Our country wouldn't be what it is without our agriculture industry! Click to learn more about National Ag Day and how you can contribute.