Ease your Job Interview Jitters

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Posted by Deanna Solis
Job Interview Jitters

Securing an interview is great but can create a sense of anxiety and self-doubt. Remember, it's normal to feel stressed or anxious before a job interview, but luckily there are several ways to combat your nerves. If you’re feeling butterflies over an interview here are six tips to help with your nerves:


Jot down your feelings

Take time to clear your mind, grab a pen and paper and write how you feel at that moment, create a list of everything that pops into your head. You can also ask yourself questions like:

  • Why do I feel this way?
  • What can I do to feel more prepared?
  • What’s the worst that can happen?

Seeing your thoughts on paper can help to quell anxiety by providing a chance to read and analyze your concerns. It can help you realize that your worries aren’t as catastrophic as you may think.

Get out of your head

Whether it’s the day before or the morning of, take some time to focus on other tasks! It may be going for a walk or running errands but it’s helpful to give yourself a mental break to calm your anxiousness.

Remain neutral

You may undeniably want a specific offer but remind yourself that if one company chooses not to hire you, it does not reflect on your value as a person. The only thing you can do is show up and put your best foot forward because all else is out of your control.

Give yourself time

Between last-minute prepping and stressing over what to wear, it’s easy to lose track of time, especially on the day of your interview. Provide yourself with ample time to get dressed, eat a hearty meal, and commute. Rushing yourself will only induce more nervousness, so slow down and plan ahead.

Ask, Ask, Ask

 If there are any pressing pre-interview questions on your mind, be sure to address them with your interviewer! It is much better to send an email beforehand as opposed to wondering and growing concerned over your question(s).

Conduct a mock interview

 Mock interviews can be a useful tool to boost your confidence and provide you with constructive feedback. Provide your interviewer with a list of possible questions and take the opportunity to envision it’s a real interview.

In Conclusion

Although those interview jitters may never go away completely, it’s great to have a few tactics to combat your nervousness. Hopefully, these tips will help to clear your mind and allow you to remain confident and assured during your meeting, good luck!

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Crush your next job interview with these actionable tips so you can remain cool, calm, and collected.
Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis

Deanna Solis is the Marketing and Social Media Assistant at AgHires. Deanna enjoys planning and creating digital content to boost clients' exposure. AgHires helps agricultural and food production companies find the employees they need to run a successful business.