
American Agriculture Facts

Written by Karyn Moyer | May 9, 2021 7:07:00 AM

American agriculture is the most efficient and productive system in the world even despite having only 2% of the population working in the industry. This efficiency gives the United States the ability to be the world’s largest exporter of food and fiber, sending agricultural products around the world. California alone is the 5th largest exporter worldwide. The U.S exports more commodities than what is imported, creating a positive agricultural trade balance.

To celebrate National Ag Week (March 21-27th, 2023) and National Ag Day on March 21st, we found 40 facts about American Agriculture. 

American Agriculture Facts

  1. There are 2.1 million farms across the United States.
  2. About 99% of those farms are family-owned.
  3. The average American farm is 435 acres.
  4. There are about 914 million acres of land dedicated to farming in the U.S.
  5. Farm and ranch families are just 2% of the population.
  6. About 30% of farmers are women.
  7. About 20% of farmers have been farming for less than 10 years, known as beginning farmers.
  8. There are over 250 thousand millennial farmers.
  9. About 1% of the U.S. gross domestic products come from farming.
  10. Cattle and calves, dairy, and corn products are the top 3 farm products in the United States.
  11. The U.S. exports more food and fiber than we import. In 2016, American farmers exported about $135.5 billion worth of products.
  12. On average, one farm in the U.S. can feed 165 people around the world.
  13. Agriculture employs over 24 million Americans.
  14. About 34 million cows are slaughtered in the U.S. each year.
  15. The U.S. has over 800,000 ranchers and cattle producers.
  16. Not surprisingly, Idaho is ranked first for potato production.
  17. Alaska accounts for over 60% of the commercial seafood industry.
  18. California is the largest food and agricultural economy in the nation.
  19. Enough cotton is grown in Arizona each year to make more than one pair of jeans for every American.
  20. Arkansas’ largest industry is agriculture.
  21. Close to half of Colorado’s land is used for production agriculture.
  22. Connecticut has about 750 beekeepers with about 6,000 bee colonies that enhance pollination of the state’s specialty crops.
  23. About 65% of the U.S. citrus is produced in Florida, with 95% of that grown for processing.
  24. About half the peanuts produced in the United States come from Georgia.
  25. Idaho has over 24,000 farms producing over 180 different commodities.
  26. The average farmer in Illinois can feed 156 people.
  27. Indiana produces the most ducks in the United States.
  28. Iowa leads the nation in egg and hog production.
  29. Tabasco pepper is only produced in Louisiana.
  30. There are 187 marine grow-out farms, 6 marine hatcheries, and 18 freshwater hatcheries in Maine.
  31. There are over 400 cranberry growers in Massachusetts.
  32. The nation's leader in tart cherries is Michigan.
  33. Minnesota is the 4th largest agricultural exporting state in the nation.
  34. Texas has the most farms in the country at 248,809 farms, followed by Missouri.
  35. In Nebraska, 1 in 4 jobs are related to agriculture.
  36. About 130 thousand gallons of maple syrup are produced annually on about 500 thousand taps in New Hampshire.
  37. 98% of the ranches in New Mexico are family-owned and have been handed down through multiple generations.
  38. Ohio is leading producer in Swiss Cheese.
  39. About 65% of mushrooms in the United States come from Pennsylvania.
  40. Washington produces over half of all apples in the United States.

Click to see more state facts.

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Sources: Top 10 Facts About Farms In The U.S
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