Whether you are looking for a job or not, there is a good chance you’ve come in contact with a recruiter. They may have reached out to you about a job they feel fits your qualifications or maybe you’ve applied to a job they are recruiting for. However, sometimes job seekers might not be thrilled to be working with a recruiter instead of the direct hiring manager because of some misconception about them. Let’s debunk some of these myths.
MYTH 1: Your salary will be lower if you work with a recruiter.
Most recruiters work on commission and get paid by the hiring company. (This doesn’t come out of your salary.) Typically, it is a certain percentage of your annual salary, so they will try to get you a great offer. However, it’s not up to the recruiter to make those final decisions, so if the recruiter is extending the offer, remember it’s not up to them. Most likely they fought for the best salary they can get for you, but in the end, it’s up to the hiring company. If you don’t want to budge on your compensation needs, it’s okay to pass on the job. Most recruiters won’t take it personally and won’t try to pressure you into a job you don’t want. (If they do, they are not a recruiter you want to work with anyway.)
Also, if you want to avoid too much back and forth on compensation, make sure the recruiter knows your salary range before you get an offer. The recruiter should know the client’s salary range, so they will be able to determine if you and their client are on the same page in terms of salary.
With that said, you should also be realistic in your compensation needs. Do your research before you start job hunting or before the interview to find out what the average salary is for the position you desire.
Working with a niche recruiter, such as an agriculture recruiter, is an added bonus because they understand what your skills are worth and what it will take to hopefully get you that great offer. A niche recruiter should be in tune with the standard compensation in the industry.
MYTH 2: Recruiters only care about filling the job
While it is usually true a recruiter doesn’t get paid until they fill a role, they want to make sure it is a great fit for both the hiring company and the candidate. A good recruiter is like a matchmaker, they want both parties to be happy.
In the end, if the candidate enjoys their new company and job, the client will be thrilled to have a happy, engaged employee. The client will be impressed with the recruiter’s abilities to find the right match and will likely work with the recruiter again in the future.
Also, recruiters benefit greatly from referrals, so if a client is happy with a great new employee, they’re going to tell their coworkers and friends about the great recruiter they worked with. Which will hopefully provide more great new clients.
MYTH 3: Recruiters only care about the client and getting paid
Yes, the client is the one paying the fees; however, a recruiter works to keep a good relationship with both the employer and the candidate. In order to fill jobs for clients, they need good candidates, so a recruiter isn’t going to burn a bridge with quality candidates just to fill a job and get paid. Recruiting is about building a network and growing relationships. A great candidate can easily turn into a client looking to hire or could refer the recruiter to a friend who is hiring.
A good recruiter should be as transparent as possible to give the candidate feedback and to ensure they’re staying up to date on the process.
Recruiters, like an AgHires Recruiter, enjoy working with great all-star job seekers. If they can’t match you with a great client today, they won’t just throw you in a pile, they will keep trying to find you a match. So even if you don’t hear from them in a while, it doesn’t mean they don’t think about you when a new job comes across their desk. AgHires recruiters don’t want to just get you any job, we really do want to help you find a great job.
MYTH 4: The recruiter’s job is to manage my job hunt.
While a good recruiter wants the best for you and hopes to find you a good match, they are a resource, not a career coach. They love to help job seekers find a good fit and are typically open to answering your questions and giving you feedback. However, you should manage your own job search. Keep track of where you are submitting resumes, where you are interviewing, etc. Detail the company, which resume you used, the dates you applied/interviewed, and more.
In Conclusion
Working with recruiters can be beneficial in helping you find a job. While it is just one avenue and you shouldn’t heavily rely on a recruiter to find you a job, they can be a great resource to have in your back pocket. After all, job searching is about networking and who you know. If you have a recruiter on your side, you might find your dream job much faster.
AgHires is dedicated to helping our clients and job seekers find a good fit. We care about our relationship with you and hope you find a fantastic job. We do our best to be an advocate for you and get you a great offer.
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