Although radishes may not be at the top of everyone’s favorite vegetable list, presumably due to their bitter taste. We believe that radishes are an underrated vegetable with many health benefits. They were highly regarded by many ancient civilizations, the Grecians regarded them so highly they even made gold replicas in their honor! Maybe it’s time we give radishes some well-deserved recognition!
1. They are high in Vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. They are said to lower high blood pressure due to natural nitrates that improve blood flow.
2. They are described to have a pungent, bitter flavor.
3. Radishes were first cultivated in China thousands of years ago; they eventually made their way west.
4. Radishes were documented in Germany in the 13th century, but did not reach England until 1548.
5. They were grown in North America shortly after they reach England. The vegetable was cultivated in Mexico in 1565 and Massachusetts in 1629.
6. Radishes were an important vegetable to many ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
7. In ancient Greece, they were so highly regarded that gold replicas were made in their honor as an offering to the Greek god, Apollo.
8. Most of the bitter flavor comes from the peel, if you were to peel it, you would be left with a mild flavor.
9. Radish is derived from the Latin word “radix” which means “root.”
10. Like other root vegetables, they absorb much of their nutrients from the soil.
11. Each December in Oaxaca, Mexico there is a festival dedicated to carving elaborate sculptures out of radishes.
12. They are cool-season vegetables; they are best planted in the spring or fall and can be harvested after three weeks.
13. There are 5 common radishes grown in the USA, with the Red Globe variety being the most common. The others grown are Daikon, California Mammoth White, White Icicle, and Black varieties.
14. Americans eat 400 million pounds of radishes each year.
15. Most radishes you find in supermarkets are grown in Florida or California.
16. They are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions from constipation to kidney stones.
17. Radish leaves and sprouts are edible and are typically consumed raw in salads.
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