The rich soils and diverse climate in Washington help farmers produce over 300 different commodities. The state is also in a prime location for exporting those commodities around the world with easy access to Asian export markets. Read 15 more Washington agriculture facts below.
- About 39,000 farms are operating on more than 15 million acres across the state.
- About 95% of those farms are family-owned and 83% are small farms. 63% of the farms in Washington are less than 50 acres.
- There are over 700 organic farmers in the state.
- The agriculture industry provides about 545,000 jobs in production, processing, wholesale, and sales. The forestry industry accounts for more than 165,000 jobs.
- About 50% of the Evergreen State is covered in forestland.
- Agriculture is Washington’s second-largest export, which makes the state the third-largest agricultural exporter in the U.S.
- About 300 commercial crops and livestock products are produced in the state.
- The top commodities in the state include apples, milk, potatoes, wheat, cattle, hops, hay, cherries, grapes, and onions.
- The state ranks 1st in the U.S. for production of apples, blueberries, hops, pears, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries.
- The apple industry in the state produces about 70% of apples grown in the U.S.
- About 20% of the total value of agriculture production in the state comes from apples.
- Washington ranks 2nd in the U.S. for potatoes, grapes, apricots, asparagus, and all raspberries.
- And ranks 3rd in dried peas, lentils, onions, and peppermint oil.
- The state is also the second-largest producer of wine in the U.S., behind California.
- Washington has a diverse agricultural economy that includes aquaculture, farm and forest products, cranberries, spearmint and peppermint oil, and mink.
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National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
Learn fun facts about agriculture in Washington state.