Picture this: you’ve spent hours meticulously updating and proofreading your resume, met with mentors to hone your interview skills, gone through at least one round of interviews, maybe even received some positive feedback, and you’re feeling optimistic. And then… nothing. No offer, no follow-up, not even a rejection notice.
If you’ve found yourself in this position before, you’re not alone. Finding an ag job is a challenge, and getting ghosted by an agricultural recruiter or hiring manager is not the result any job seeker desires.
Being “ghosted” refers to the experience of a sudden and unexpected cease of communication, without explanation. It can be frustrating, disheartening and maybe even a little damaging to your self-worth. Use the following tools to prevent and recover from being ghosted.
Stay Positive
First, stay positive. Just because you didn’t receive an immediate response doesn’t mean you won’t get one at all. Consider all the reasons you may not have heard back quite yet. Some ag companies have small teams that might get spread thin. The interview process may be over for you but not yet for other candidates, so they haven’t reviewed their options yet. Maybe this time of year is one of their busiest, and they need a little more time to compose an offer. There’s an endless list of reasons you might not get an answer right away, so don’t count yourself or the company out just yet. Consider the timeline, and ensure you’re giving the hiring manager a fair amount of time to complete the process.
Follow Up to Avoid Being Ghosted
Once a bit of time has passed, it is appropriate to follow up. Follow up about 7 to 10 days after the last communication or, if they gave you a date you would hear back, wait about 2 days after that date. Send a single professional follow-up message that lets the recruiter or hiring manager know you’re still interested in being part of their farm or agribusiness and appreciate their consideration. It might look something like this:
“I hope this message finds you well! Thanks again for your time and consideration of my candidacy for this opportunity. I am happy to provide any additional materials or answer questions you might have throughout the hiring process and appreciate any update you may be able to provide at this time. I look forward to the opportunity to work together for the success of the company!”
Remember to keep it appreciative, kind, straightforward and non-confrontational. It should be on a reasonable timeframe – again, seven to ten days after the last communication – and only one message – never a barrage of follow-ups. It’s okay to come across as eager, but never desperate or aggressive.
Connect on LinkedIn
Another way to get their attention is with a simple connection request on LinkedIn, if you haven’t done so already. Make sure your profile is up-to-date and accurate, representing you in a way that is honest and in line with everything you’ve presented in the application process so far.
Move On and Focus on Other Ag Opportunities
If another two weeks go by without any response, it may be time to move on. Surround yourself with supportive friends and mentors who can help you cope with the disappointment. Take a walk, go to the gym, or do whatever helps you decompress. But don’t let this experience slow you down.
A good way to soften the blow of being ghosted is by applying to multiple jobs at a time. Don’t hang all your hopes on a single opportunity. And never underestimate the power of networking. Attend job fairs, sign up for job alerts on job sites like AgHires, use social networks and ask for references. You may be surprised by the opportunities that arise when you do.
Ways to Prevent Being Ghosted by Hiring Managers
While it’s not always preventable, there are a few steps you can take to try and prevent getting ghosted in the first place.
Discuss a Timeline
First, discuss a timeline for following steps during the interview process. Ask what to expect going forward and if there’s a date by which they hope to make a decision. Seek clarity whenever you feel it’s needed.
Ask for Feedback
Finally, it’s never a bad idea to invest in yourself as a candidate. Ask for feedback, practice ways to enhance future applications, do mock interviews, take courses or gain new certifications, use reliable hiring platforms, and take advantage of networking events in the agricultural industry.
Stay Optimistic and Keep Searching
Overall, remember to stay optimistic. Finding a new job can be a challenge, but resilience, persistence and adaptability are keys to overcoming many setbacks in life, including getting ghosted for the ag job of your dreams.
To help in your journey to landing your next agriculture career opportunity, sign up for email newsletters that offer tips, advice and openings, such as AgHires’ Ag Job Connector. Search AgHires.com now to find your next career move in agriculture, food production, horticulture, ag biotechnology and related industries.