180 Million Eggs Purchased for Easter

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Posted by Karyn Moyer
Ag-Fact Friday Easter 2

Easter is right around the corner, that means spring is in full swing and growing season for farmers is ready to start, if it hasn’t already. For many, an Easter egg is a symbol for birth and the beginning of life, much like what is done by farmers each year during growing season.

Easter Symbols

The exchanging of eggs began before Easter. Giving of eggs is considered a symbol of rebirth in many cultures. The practice of decorating eggs has also been around for many years, as early as the 13th century. Originating in Ukraine, the art of painting eggs is called pysanka. And the idea of the Easter bunny giving treats to children is believed to be originated in Germany in the middle ages.

Easter Spending

Americans celebrating Easter spend about $5.3 billion on food for the holiday. Nine out of 10 people celebrating Easter will buy candy, totaling at about $2.2 billion, making it the second best-selling candy holiday in U.S. From decorating eggs to deviled eggs, it is also estimated that about 180 million eggs are purchased each year in the United States for Easter.

More Easter Facts

  1. The largest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy in 2011 and stood at 10.39 meters and weighed an astounding 7,200 kg.
  2. 700 million marshmallow Peeps are purchased in the U.S. during Easter.
  3. Over 90 million chocolate bunnies are produced each year.
  4. More than 16 million jelly beans are consumed by Americans during the holiday.
  5. 76% of people eat the ears on the chocolate bunny first, with 5% eating the feet first and 4% eat the tail first.
  6. The White House Easter Egg Roll tradition started in 1878 with President Rutherford B. Hayes.


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Elite Daily: 19 Fun Facts About Easter You Probably Didn’t Realize
History.com: Easter Symbols
CNN.com: Easter by the Numbers

Read about why the Easter season is a big day for agriculture!
Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer is the Senior Marketing Manager at AgHires, with over 13 years of marketing experience, over 9 of which she has spent in the agriculture marketing industry. Growing up in a small farming town, Karyn has a deep appreciation for the importance of agriculture and its role in our communities. Since joining AgHires in 2017, Karyn has used her wealth of experience and knowledge to help job seekers and clients achieve their goals. She has a passion for learning and discovering new ways to support the industry.