The big game is this Sunday. Did you know it is the second biggest day in American food consumption after Thanksgiving? Check out the 15 facts below to see how much American consume each year!
15 Super Food Facts about The Big Game
- Americans will consume about 1.25 billion chicken wings this weekend, according to the National Chicken Council.
- Approximately 48 million Americans will order takeout or have food delivered on game day.
- Of those takeout orders, 60% will be pizza.
- Americans will munch on 30 million pounds of snacks.
- Of those snacks, 3.8 million pounds will be popcorn.
- 11 million pounds of chips to be eaten on Sunday.
- 4 million pounds of pretzels will be consumed as well.
- Also, 2.5 million pounds of nuts will be eaten.
- The average American will have consumed a minimum of 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat by the end of the game.
- 12 million pounds of avocados will be purchased the week leading up to the game, according to The California Avocado Commission.
- From those avocados, Americans will consume 8 million pounds of guacamole.
- 10% of Americans will be using their grills in February, cooking up hot dogs, hamburgers, bratwurst, and steak for their watch parties.
- About 50 million cases of beer will be consumed this weekend.
- The overall beer tab will be about $10.8 billion.
- Not everyone will drink beer, $2.37 million will be spend on sodas and other soft drinks.
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