AgHires Blog

5 Simple Job Search Tricks

Written by Karyn Moyer | Aug 5, 2021 12:01:00 PM

If you’re heavy into your job search, you’re probably up to your eyeballs in job applications and recruiters. You’ve probably sent your resume to what feels like thousands of companies, made several phone calls, and have had a lot of interviews. It can be tough to keep track of where your resumes are, what resume was sent to who, who you’ve talked to, and what step you are in the process. Plus, trying to stand out from other candidates in the competitive job market can be tough. Who has time to make a whole new resume for each job and try to keep track of where each resume went, forget about it?

We’ve compiled some tricks to help you keep your job search organized and find your ideal job.

Use a Resume Builder

Need a Resume or two or more? Use a resume builder. There are several online versions you can use, or there are word document templates to help guide you. You can build your resume at AgHires as well to make it easy to apply to agriculture jobs on Just go to your Job Seeker Dashboard., select the resumes tab and click Add resume. If you need to make more than one, just repeat the steps above. You can manage your resumes from the Resume tab as well, just click Manage Resumes. 

Keep Resumes Organized

If you want to stand out from other candidates, you’ll want to make yourself the obvious fit. This means molding your resume to match the job description. This is something some job seekers forget. Make it easy for the hiring manager to want to meet with you, take keywords and phrases from the job description, and fit them into your experience and training. If you’re applying to several jobs, you’ll have several different resumes. Keep them all organized by giving each file a personalized name, such as John-Smith-Farm-Manager-Resume. Then keep them all in one place. 

Organize Your Job Applications

Keep a spreadsheet or a word document to keep track of each job application after an in-depth job search. Use the document to keep track of the position, company, contact information, the job URL, company website, location, and status of the application. Change the status as the application progresses, using notes such as researching, new opportunity, applied, interview, hired, and closed opportunity.

Create Several Job Alerts to Track New Openings

Scouring through job boards and other sites every day can be exhausting and time-consuming, but you don’t want to miss a job. Creating a job alert can help you stay up to date on new jobs without having to check each website every day. Sign up for AgHires job alerts on any job listing on Make sure to create several alerts with different locations and keywords to ensure you are notified of each job that might be of interest to you.

Use Social Media

Companies and recruiters, such as AgHires, are using social media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to let candidates know about active openings. Use Twitter’s list tool to create a job search list that includes AgHires, hiring managers, and companies hiring handles to allow you to quickly review new openings daily. Also, search or follow hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Hashtags such as #hiring, #job, #agjob, #mechanicjob, #truckingjob, and more will help you find jobs as well. Don't forget to include your LinkedIn profile URL on your resume to direct employers to see more details.

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