Since April 19th is National Garlic Day, we decided to put together some facts about the herb.
- Garlic originates from central Asia.
- It was one of the first herbs to be cultivated.
- The herb has been used for both medicinal and culinary purposes.
- Garlic is part of the Lily family, which also includes onions, leeks and shallots.
- There are over 300 varieties grown throughout the world, which can be put into two groups hardneck (or topset) or softneck (or artichoke).
- Hardneck varieties produce elongated flower stalks and bulbils, while softneck varieties does not produce bulbils, unless under stress.
- Hardneck varieties may be purple, purple striped, or white.
- About 24,000 to 26,000 acres are planted each year in the U.S., producing about 400 million pounds of garlic.
- About 90% of garlic grown in the United States comes from California, with some production in Oregon, Nevada, Washington, and New York.
- About half of the garlic produced in the U.S. is for the fresh market while the remaining half is dehydrated.
- China produces majority of the world’s garlic, about 66%.
- The average American consumes about 2 pounds of the herb each year.
- Garlic is planted early enough in the fall so that a good root system can develop before the ground freezes and late enough to prevent shoot emergence above the soil.
- The crop can grow up to about 4 feet.
- The crop produces an oval bulb that contains about 7 to 15 cloves.
- It is ready to be harvested when 40% to 60% of the leave have turned yellow. Most varieties are ready by mid-July.
- The bulb color depends on the variety. Most common types have white or pinkish bulbs.
- The root is located on the basal part of the bulb.
- Garlic will produce greenish, white or pink flowers developed at the end of long flower stalks.
- The crop produces flowers that contain both types of reproductive organs, called hermaphrodite flowers. Bees and other insects are responsible for pollination.
- The herb must be stored unpeeled in dark, cool, dry place, away from other foods.
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PennState Extension