13 Fun Melon Facts

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Posted by Karyn Moyer
Melon Facts

It’s probably not surprising that watermelons are 92% water. But did you know that there are more than 1,200 varieties of melon? These varieties can be sorted into just four categories: seeded, seedless, icebox, and yellow/orange.

No matter the melon, it is still a tasty summer treat. There are many ways to enjoy melons; they can be eaten by themselves or as part of a recipe. With National Melon Day on August 11, there’s plenty of time to learn more about this summer favorite.

  1. July is National Watermelon Month.
  2. Americans eat more watermelon than any other type of melon.
  3. Watermelons are both a fruit and a vegetable.
  4. Watermelons are the state vegetable of Oklahoma. It would have been named the state fruit, but that designation belonged to the strawberry.
  5. Ancient Egyptians cultivated melons since 2000 B.C.
  6. Melons were introduced to America by Spanish settlers during the 1400s and 1500s.
  7. These early explorers used melons as canteens.
  8. A couple of centuries later, cantaloupes were developed in Cantalup, Italy in the 1700s.
  9. Cantaloupes need to grow for three to four months before they can be picked.
  10. Once picked, cantaloupes will not continue to ripen.
  11. Melons are closely related to squash and cucumbers.
  12. Today, the most expensive melons are Yubari King melons. They are only grown in a small region of Japan. Two of three melons sold for more than $20,000.
  13. Farmers in Japan are growing watermelons into shapes. They started growing cubed watermelon so it would fit in a refrigerator. Now, Japanese farmers grow watermelons into various shapes such as hearts or even faces.


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Just Fun Facts

Mental Floss

These melon facts are sure to be a hit at the summer cookout!
Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer

Karyn Moyer is the Senior Marketing Manager at AgHires, with over 13 years of marketing experience, over 9 of which she has spent in the agriculture marketing industry. Growing up in a small farming town, Karyn has a deep appreciation for the importance of agriculture and its role in our communities. Since joining AgHires in 2017, Karyn has used her wealth of experience and knowledge to help job seekers and clients achieve their goals. She has a passion for learning and discovering new ways to support the industry.